Convert Your Social Media Audience To Paying Customers
Through the mainstream boom of social media, what may have once seemed like a simple path from advertising to sales has become a complex terrain. Consumers are now equipped with various resources, points of research, proofs, and choices in regards to content consumption. Today’s audience chooses to be marketed to, and can opt out at the touch of a button. So, it is crucial to convert your social media audience to paying customers. To effectively steer your herd and reach your marketing goals, you need to effectively select its members, targeting precisely the right people with the right message at each turn, guiding the customer journey to a successful end point: Sales!
Conscious Conversions
Buying an audience and narrowing them down to conversions becomes a tedious effort, which gives no genuine insight as to the path that led them there. You find your customers at the end point, with no clue of what successfully converted them from being an audience member to becoming your customer. Identifying your audience and guiding their journey to a successful purchase will not only allow you to control future transactions, it will allow your brand to build loyalty for return customers.
Vital Data Build and optimize your audience with vital data, such as search history, site visits, frequency, purpose and location. Use these clues to decipher the path that leads your audience member to be a purchasing customer. This vital data will allow you to build a specific audience of targeted consumers and eliminate prospects that are no longer interested or useful to your brand.
Simple Campaign Strategies
Optimize your Social Media efforts using these simple strategies, which will allow you to get the most out of your campaigns:
● Know your target audience. Become aware of their habits, isolate their top searched keywords, determine the context of the content they consume, identify sites they visit, and determine what makes each person a highly qualified lead.
● Know your cost. When purchasing ad units, calculate the value to your business based on vital data. Identify statistics to become aware of this vital data and associated media costs. This strategy will allow you to control your ad spend and make the most of your budget.
● Know your results. False analytics from bots and malware are an unfortunate reality of the Internet. Take proactive measures to protect your efforts and investment by becoming aware of and utilizing safeguards against these pests. Be sure to have complete reports as to where, when and how your ads are being consumed.
● Know your success. Awareness of why your campaign performed well is crucial. Using vital data in combination with analytics and conversion statistics will provide a specific map of what path your customers took to get to the point of purchase.
Prepare for success
By identifying your audience, creating conscious conversions, making use of vital data and enacting simple campaign strategies, you can make the journey from audience member to paying customer much shorter. Thus, getting the most out of your Social Media efforts and ad spend, while also creating an additional reason for your customers to remain loyal to your brand and keep coming back to continue reaching a successful end point: Sales!
Ready to convert your social media audience to paying customers? Click here to contact us at Dapper Goat.