The New Snapchat Update – And Why People Don’t Like It
If you’re a frequent user of Snapchat – whether for personal or business use – you have probably felt the frustrations of the new Snapchat update. Snapchat has decided to overhaul much of the design of their app, and the results have not been well received. After the update was released, many have decided to delete the app altogether, while others are just using it less. For anyone working in social media, this update might have a big impact on business operations. There are a few key reasons why people hate the Snapchat update, and understanding them can help you re-evaluate your social media strategy.
How Snapchat Used to Work
Before the update, Snapchat was pretty simple. The main screen of the app was the camera, where you could take a photo and either send it to a friend or post it to your “story”. Swipe to the left and you’d find your conversations, where you could chat and send pictures to people you’ve connected with. Swiping right led to the Stories section, where you could view the stories from your friends, celebrities, and brands. This page also contained the Discover section, which allowed users to see the stories from popular users they weren’t following. It was a pretty straightforward interface that kept everything separated and in its place.
The New Snapchat Update
With the new update, this design has changed. The center section is still your camera, but the rest has changed. To the left, you’ll find your conversations, along with the stories for any of your friends. Swiping right reveals a section that now combines the celebrity and brand stories you follow, along with the discover section. It’s a jumbled mess, making it harder to find the stories you actually want to see. Since Snapchat makes its money from sponsored stories, it is evident that their goal was to make it so you couldn’t miss them.
Why People Hate the New Snapchat Update
There are two main reasons why people hate the new Snapchat update. Firstly, people don’t like change. This is seen when most new updates to popular sites like Facebook and Twitter are met with outrage. This eventually dies down however as people grow accustomed to the changes. But this is different- the new update makes it much harder to use Snapchat the way you want. For many, the great thing about Snapchat is that it allowed you to follow the stories of celebrities and brands. While you can still do this, the new interface makes it hard to find the stories you want. It also intertwines them with stories you don’t want to see. Snapchat isn’t an app you’re supposed to spend a lot of time with. This makes it hard to ask someone to watch content they aren’t interested in.
What This Means For You
If Snapchat is part of your social media strategy, it’s important that you pay attention to the backlash on this update. While it might blow over, it’s also possible that Snapchat sees a sharp decline in the number of users. Another possibility is that people keep Snapchat, but stop using it to follow brands, and instead focus on sharing pictures with their friends. If you’re looking to market a brand, having fewer people viewing your content on Snapchat might mean it’s time to find an alternative social platform. Facebook and Instagram both offer the opportunity to share “Stories” with your followers, but they have their own challenges as well. Before you make any decisions, research the other social networks and analyze the data of your Snapchat marketing plan to learn more about your customers. Also, keep up to date with any news about Snapchat to see if they are going to make changes that will further impact your ability to market on their platform. If you have any questions about how to best market on Snapchat after the new update, or why people hate the new Snapchat update, please feel free to contact us at any time.