What to Share in Your Nonprofit Social Marketing Messages
What is there to talk about and share on your social media? One of the biggest problems nonprofit organizations have is finding a way to keep up the social media marketing they are doing. What is there to say? Just how many times can you ask people to donate? What else can you tell them to get them to take the next step and to click into your website? Nonprofit Social Marketing campaigns are crucial to expanding your organization’s reach. From Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest and numerous other sites, it is up to the marketing pro to know what to say to get the click. It may not be as hard as you think to find the right things to say to attract the right type of attraction.
Top Messages to Share on Your Social Media Marketing
The following are some helpful tips that can help you to build your brand and create interest in your organization through social media. The key is to communicate authentically and without a sales pitch.
- Talk about a success of your organization. What good has it done recently? Share that with the public.
- Are you doing work onsite? Perhaps you are overseas. Share photos and messages about the good work you are doing.
- Release a “Did you know” message that provides an interesting, shocking or even over the top fact about the organization. Ensure it is authentic and it is backed by facts you and prove.
- Provide a sneak peek into an event you are launching or a program you are hosting in the local area.
- Provide information and a photo of a star employee or member of the organization. Rotate your staff through this to ensure each gets ample time. Include a fun fact that gets people’s attention in the social media message.
- Share a testimonial or a comment made by someone who your organization has helped. You may even want to celebrate a success with your following in which you provide a quote from someone you’ve helped.
- Share photos of the volunteers helping your cause. Be sure to show what good the cause was, too. For example, an organization working to establish a water source in Central America can create an impressive photo of the volunteers working in this way.
- Keep things lighthearted, too. Did you sponsor a thank you dinner or perhaps want to honor someone that has put a lot of hard work into the organization? If so, use that as a method of sharing if your followers.
In addition to using effective social media marketing messages, be sure you have a website or blog to support the process. This means having something for your prospective donors to visit to learn more, to see pictures and to interact with you. It is also helpful for individuals to receive a response. If people are re-Tweeting your messages, for example, acknowledge this. It helps to build the type of repertoire you need with your followers to get more people to follow you and, ultimately, to get the results you need during this process of marketing.
To get started with your Nonprofit Social Marketing campaigns, contact the experts at Dapper Goat today!