Social Media Update: New Facebook Stories
Facebook recently released an update to their mobile app for IOS and Android called Stories. Similar to the recent Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories borrows heavily from the Snapchat platform to help people stay more connected. Not only can individuals stay more connected but this new tool is also used to help businesses increase their marketing effectiveness.
How To Use Stories
The big question many users have had is how to use the new Stories feature. When you post a new video or a photo it will then appear in the Stories section which is at the top of the screen along with your profile picture. Once you select your story it will remain viewable by your friends for twenty-four hours. They will also receive a notification that your story is available for viewing. They even offer filters, masks, and other interactive features to add uniqueness to your personal story. This new feature is a great new marketing tool for businesses too.
Stories For Businesses
Most businesses today have a dedicated Facebook page. Having a page is great but having a post to Stories helps you reach your friends and followers more effectively. Not only will they see your posts in their news feed but they will actually get a notification regarding your post which they have a whole day in which to view. This feature increases the likelihood that your target audience will see your posts. This is great news for companies that could use an extra helping hand reaching potential customers. If you are running a promotion, for example, you will be able to alert those that are following you instead of hoping that they see your post. Followers simply have to view the notification they receive sent on their account. For more information about social media marketing, or if you have any questions contact us.
Take advantage of this powerful marketing tool. Stories is an easy and effective way to boost your company’s exposure on Facebook. Marketing your business with the latest tools is an excellent way to ensure your success.